About (Professional)

I am currently an endowed chair professor and the department chair for the department of computer engineering at Santa Clara University, USA.

Ling 5
Nam Ling

Here is my professional bio:

Nam Ling received the B.Eng. degree from the National University of Singapore and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, U.S.A. He is currently the Sanfilippo Family Chair Professor (University Endowed Chair) of Santa Clara University (U.S.A) and the Chair of its Department of Computer Engineering. From 2002 to 2010, he was an Associate Dean for its School of Engineering. Currently, he is also a Chair Professor for Fuzhou University (China), a Cuiying Chair Professor for Lanzhou University (Chair), a Distinguished Professor for Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications (China), a Consulting Professor for the National University of Singapore, a Guest Professor for Tianjin University (China), and a Guest Professor for Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China). He has more than 200 publications (including books) in video/image coding and systolic arrays. He also has seven adopted standards contributions and has filed/granted more than 20 U.S./European/PCT patents. He is an IEEE Fellow due to his contributions to video coding algorithms and architectures. He is also an IET Fellow. He was named IEEE Distinguished Lecturer twice and was also an APSIPA Distinguished Lecturer. He received the IEEE ICCE Best Paper Award (First Place) and the IEEE Umedia Best Paper Award (twice). He received six awards from the University, four at the University level (Outstanding Achievement, Recent Achievement in Scholarship, President’s Recognition, and Sustained Excellence in Scholarship) and two at the School/College level (Researcher of the Year and Teaching Excellence). He has served as Keynote Speakers for IEEE APCCAS, VCVP (twice), JCPC, IEEE ICAST, IEEE ICIEA, IET FC & U-Media, IEEE U-Media, and Workshop at XUPT (twice), as well as a Distinguished Speaker for IEEE ICIEA. He is/was General Chairs/CoChairs for IEEE Hot Chips, VCVP (twice), IEEE ICME, IEEE U-Media (thrice), and IEEE SiPS. He is an Honorary Co-Chair for IEEE Umedia. He has also served as Technical Program CoChairs for IEEE ISCAS, APSIPA ASC, IEEE APCCAS, IEEE SiPS (twice), DCV, and IEEE VCIP. He was Technical Committee Chairs for IEEE CASCOM TC and IEEE TCMM, and has served as Guest Editors/Associate Editors for IEEE TCASI, IEEE J-STSP, Springer JSPS, Springer MSSP, and other journals. He has delivered more than 120 invited colloquia worldwide and has served as Visiting Professors/Consultants/Scientists for many institutions/companies.